Friday, July 23, 2010

Things I did this week:

  • Hung out with the fabulous Brittany and Jared at Sushi Tango and The Independent. Had some drinks, soybeans, dumplings, and onion strings. Yummy! Brittany and I believe that the Sushi Tango drinks were extraordinarily potent.
  • Was lucky enough to see the Farewell Continental group lay down some sick tunes twice in one week. And of course, witness the genius of Ed Ackerson at work.
  • Saw Inception with Justin. MIND BLOWN. How do people write such complicated stories and succeed? Ugh. So discouraging to have such geniuses at work in this world. Ha. I loved the levels. I loved the building tension. I loved it all. THAT was a film, let me tell you.
  • Started My So-Called Life series with Justin. I have watched it several times, but he is new to the Angela and Jordan love affair. We are excited.
This coming weekend?
  • Saturday: Farewell Continental at the 7th Street Entry around 5pm.
  • Sunday: Mad Men Premiere.

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