Tuesday, December 16, 2008

all we can do is breathe.

i sometimes fear long periods where everything is going so well.

it is an up, up, up hill climb until one simple day there is nothing of notice. nothing good. nothing bad. just everything mediocre. those days send me into a tailspin.

i have grown accustomed to greatness.

a standstill feels like a backward fall when my life has been go, go, go with laughter and happiness for weeks.

so foolish. i need to remember that i am fine. that nothing is wrong. that i am in such a wonderful place. remember, remember, remember.

my mind plays tricks on me, and i am starting to figure out its methods.

1 comment:

Michael said...

You got it. Just live in this moment and you'll be fine. There is no past, there is no future: just the present.