Tuesday, December 9, 2008

make a wish!

many many months ago, in a land far far away (woodbury), a short film was shot. justin wrote and directed this hilarious film (which i have seen, although it is not available for public view as of yet) called make a wish. it was a crazy two night shoot at a mexican restaurant called acapulco (so good). free food and drinks were provided. i brought my sister, katie, and my best friends, heather and lydia. the shoot began around midnight every night and lasted until morning. insanity! finally the behind the scenes clip is up. i have provided it below. as the total nerd i am, i have also provided the times where i show up and where my sister shows up. sorry heather and lydia, i didn't see you in it. :[

me: 00:15, 2:31
sister: 2:46, 4:31

justin is such a talented man, it sometimes makes me a very sad panda. i will never have the ideas and the inspiration that he has. but he does make me want to work harder at creative pursuits. i am lucky to have such brilliant people in my life!

hope you enjoyed!


lydia slayer said...

justin's elbow was covering my face when you were seen at 2:31. but it was probably the point of the night where i was ready to vomit all over. ;[

Michael said...

That's awesome ladies!

Lindsay Vicious said...

lyds- you are right! i did see your arm the first time i watched it. my apologies. and yes, that was most surely when you felt like puking all over the table. you stressed me out in a sad way that night. i was concerned.

walk on red- thank you sir!