Friday, February 6, 2009

coming down the world turned over//

i seem to only be posting on fridays. winters get me so lazy. it is stupid.

augustana was a blast. we met up with jared pre-show and we (me, heather, steven, cherise, and mo) went to this bar called blarney's, down the street from the varsity. we went there to avoid the douche crowd at the library, and the cover at the kitty cat klub. it was a chill atmosphere.

talked a lot to jared about travelling relationships, what he is doing with upcoming augustana stuff, etc... he has grown up so very much since the first time i met him with crush taxi. i am extremely impressed by his generosity, kindness, and maturity. yay for people! and i do not say that often.

we later headed over to the varsity and watched the bands. had a good time. left after the show ended.

we did not make it to the triple rock for cherise's birthday.

monday justin called and said that he would be in town for a few hours before he took his flight out again. i went over after work and was let in by security. when i got into his place i tried to shake the poor man awake, to no avail. he had just arrived home from a four date tour that including sleeping on floors and long drives. needless to say, he was not ever fully awake for those few hours, but it was really good seeing him before i had two weeks of not seeing him. boo.

last night heather and i ventured over to the 7th street entry to see oh crap, mo is here (acoustic) and the wannabe hasbeens. it was a good reunion of all of my friends, who i never see anymore because i am such a hermit. friends there were laura, lyds, murph, steven, chris h, derek, melissa, mike minehart, adam, and gloria.

at one point i was talking to justin outside on my phone and murphy comes out and sits (falls) next to me, steals a cigarette, and proceeds to do his infamous lean (whilst sitting). apparently he was kicked out for being too stumbly. poor guy! we left soon after the wannabes played anyway. i had to get up early for work.

this weekend i plan to sleep, watch dr. zhivago, maybe visit amy at work, register heather for baby shhtuff, go see he's just not that into you, and sleep some more.

i lead an exciting life, eh?

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