Monday, September 15, 2008

recovering = laziness.


  1. awkward situations sometimes become okay situations that turn back into slightly awkward situations.
  2. it is better to talk things out than to be forever uncomfortable (well, duh).
  3. sacre bleu's red wine + concert at the varsity = ridiculous dancing (always).
  4. some people should never preform in front of people if they wiggle strangely.
  5. coworkers + friends = helping a drunk inexperienced man trying to get some in a bathroom.
  6. some people can be surprisingly sweet and responsible when need be.
  7. bright eyes is always a "veto" with my guy friends (boo).
  8. if you let drunk boys "cook," they will inevitably make hotdog/cookie/every condiment ever concoctions (barf).
  9. hotdogs in microwaves are ALWAYS better than your keys in the microwave.
  10. rain + sunday = spending all day (literally) in bed watching movies.
  11. $12 of mcdonalds in the morning screws you for many days to come.
  12. my girlfriends are excellent guard dogs when need be.
  13. songs that only contain the lyrics "1,2,3,4!" are the new thing (but make people sitting outside laugh a lot).


Michael said...

Number 8 doesn't sit well with me.

Probably because I just cooked breakfast...

Lindsay Vicious said...

haha and are you drunk?!

Michael said...

At 7:35 this morning -- yes, I still was.