Friday, September 5, 2008

they don't call me "vicious" for nothing.

lately i have had to pull out the "heinous bitch" card. now, there is no pride or glory in this. i do, however, feel it necessary to do so for these certain situations. i am protective, and i am territorial with those i love. i am like some ravenous flamingo protecting her flock. my friends mean the world to me. i do what i must.

in other news, i did not get to watch mccain's speech. i wished i would have, but i went to the show instead. bad call on my part. we ended up leaving the show without even watching the bands we wanted to, because douchers ruin everything. vague. i am aware. i did get to have some wicked hangs with the crew a few blocks down, though, so it was worth it for that. all in attendance: me, dagger, amy, dan, gremlin (with new hair and full suit), derek (with tie), mo (with scarf and new wicked hair), steven, minehart, gabers, gabers friends, brittany, zack, and laura. zack rolled up on his segway (spelling?) promoting some samples of oxygen spray. that boy is a complete gem. i adore him to the nth degree, man. he gave me lessons on how to ride his segway, and it was surprisingly easy. pretty rad. overall, not a bad night.

back to mccain and politics (although i am sure you are sick of hearing about it all). thus far i am not really pumped about mccain or obama. mccain has a lot of experience, and has put his heart and soul into this country. i admire that. i think we need someone who has actually SERVED, instead of people who sit behind desks. obama is a bit too hyped for me. i think he is a gifted man, but the frenzy overshadows, and therefore i do not feel as though he could ever live up to the hopes people have. he is also very young. and although he is black, he is extremely rich, and therefore is not necessarily a "common man," like many are making him out to be. he has lived a better life than most white people have. not that that is an issue, and i think it is wonderful that we can finally have people who are not the typical white, rich men running for president, but he is not that much different than any other candidate in the way of upbringing, etc... did that make sense? as for the vice president candidates. i like that obama picked biden, who is older and is catholic. he will pull in a lot of conservative/independent voters with his choice. i do not know enough about biden to make any further comments, but he seems like a good counterpart. as for palin, i really like her. my co-worker is from alaska and raves about how much palin gave back to the state. as for her not having a lot of experience, i think that is irrelevant. i do think she has enough experience, BUT there was never supposed to be anyone making a career out of politics. in the early years of our country, politicians were chosen from their communities. these people would be everyday farmers, etc... they would serve their term for the people and get out of politics. that is how it SHOULD be. politicians, on both sides, have turned elections into celebrity contests. they are the elite and they are the privileged. they are not the "every man." and they have many self-interests which serve purposes outside of the "every man's" interests. right? on both sides completely. anyway. palin is pretty close to being an "every man." i like that about her. i think she would serve our country without many self-interests. i like that she is young (in contrast to mccain's very old). i would be a bit worried if mccain died and she ran our country. but for v.p., i dig her a lot.

anyway. that's my rambles for the day.

off to sleep sleep sleep.

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