Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the chords we play, ways left to communicate.

i can not solve everyone's problems. i cannot shake everyone and say, "this is how! this is how!" it is past me. i cannot straighten their shirts, hand them a paper bag lunch, drive them to school, and lay out their clothes for the next day.

i can listen. i can offer words of support and encouragement. but i can only do these things with knowledge that they are needed.

we all have our own problems--our own struggles. if we need something, sometimes we have to ask. often, others are dealing with their own internal and external dilemmas and do not have the ability to notice the thought bubbles you produce.

this may seem obvious, and you may think me an idiot to explain it, but you cannot then get angry at me when i do not notice them as well.

1 comment:

heart like a canvas. said...

i don't understand who would get angry at you for something that was never expressed.