Thursday, July 22, 2010

I waver between opening up and closing down.



Beth said...

Hi Lindsay! You don't know me, but I have read your blog for a couple of months now and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your life with all of us! I noticed that you deleted your spring form and a post or two; I just wanted to say that I hope no one made you upset?! I know the internet is one of those places where people get away with saying shit that no one would ever say in real life... Anyways, Thanks for being an honest, sincere and rad person.

Lindsay Vicious said...

beth- that seriously made my night. i really appreciate the words of love and support. i've been slowly sinking down into a "hiding" mood these past few days. and honestly, a part of me is really sensitive to what people may or may not think of me. but yet i have a blog, and most of the time i don't let myself care because anyone can think anything. le sigh. haha. is this venting? this is totally me venting. thanks for caring. who knows, formspring may be back up tomorrow if i get over this funk. many, many hearts. <3