Thursday, July 15, 2010

thought i'd share how big of a loser i am.

go ahead. observe my idiocy. this is what i do on nights when i am lying in bed and have watched all of the available grey's anatomy episodes on, am tired but cannot sleep because my allergies are making my eyes itch, and have no one left to stalk on facebook.

go ahead. spread this around. show your mom. COLORS.
so idiotic, i had to do it.demanding personal fave. how disgusting.
grumpy care bear deluxe.
sirius black.
anime koala face.


Anonymous said...

have you always had the two sides of your nose pierced? i always thought you only had one side. sorry for the random comment! i just hadn't noticed it before and was just curious.

Lindsay Vicious said...

i have since i was 19ish! it's all good. i have people i have known for years that only just realized. :D

Anonymous said...

also, just to be extra creepy, i think you're adorable :3

Lindsay Vicious said...

AW! thank you. <3

not creepy at all. makes me smile.