Wednesday, May 14, 2008

its the small things.

today was my last actual day in a classroom. i did not think it would affect me, it and almost did not phase me until zlogar made me promise to keep in touch and come back to visit the college. after that i stopped by furniss' office (who is the writing center faculty and who i have had for three courses) and he had a gift for me. he gave me the novel middlesex with a nice card inside. with that he hugged me and he too made me promise to keep in touch. i nearly cried. these people have taught me in more ways than just in literature. i really do consider them amazing people, people who i would consider friends, people who i would want to hang out and have some drinks with. they definitely are my role models, and the confidence that they have in me has made me have confidence in myself.

i realize it is the small things that matter. a professor who gives me a book that he thinks i will like. a mixed cd (or a collection of 20+ mixed cds in alphabetical order for my birthday from dagger). a framed picture. a "hello, how are you?" a smile. a hug. a hand held. a thoughtful email. a letter. these small gestures are where meaning is held. these things warm my heart.

its the small things that people do out of an instinctual or genuine nature. these things add up. they show true care, true friendship, true love. with so little to hold on to in this world, i hold onto the little things.

so thank you for those things.

so on monday i went to margot and the nuclear so and so's with dagger and slayer at the turf club in st. paul. what a great show. cameron mcgill opened for them and when margot came on, us girls went to the front and danced and sang our little hearts out. it feels like it has been awhile where i have gone to a show of a national band that i know a lot of songs of. we also definitely harassed the band to play "skeleton key," anddd they did. thank the lord. i can die happy.

the show was somewhat crowded, but it was a perfect amount of people who genuinely loved the music. the guys from the band said it was their best tour date thus far. aww. ryan from small towns was at the show, and i waved a distant hello. miss kari gray was also at the show, and we talked for a little bit after the s
how. she is definitely a very sweet girl. i am glad i finally have met her after hearing so many good things about her from everyone in this small world.

after the show the guys from both bands ended up hanging out with us. i think we entertained all of the different band members at some point or another throughout the night at our table. we had much conversation about horoscope signs, gang names, and lies. a bunch of the guys wanted to have a dance party, so when the bar closed we all went to margot's school bus that was painted black and gutted out with bunks built in. we all ended up hanging out in the bus for a while and had massive sing-a-longs to the monkeys etc... i love sing-a-longs, especially with people who love music as much as us girls do. there was also a video camera whipped out, so i am checking on the tour video blogs of the guys to see if it gets posted. richard, the lead singer of margot did not seem all-too-thrilled to have this sing-a-long on his bus, as he seems like a pretty withdrawn guy, but i think eventually he somewhat tolerated us, and we bonded momentarily over john cassavetes' genius. upon leaving all of the guys gave hugs, and we all promised to keep in touch via myspace and hang again when they come by minnesota.

such a good night.
and the night was made even better by photoboothness.

lately brian and i have been having a lot of conversations about relationships. him and i both realize that we tend to become involved in strange situations recently with other people, and we just do not have time to dedicate to someone else right now. i definitely realize that being single is a great thing. obviously i love the comfort of someone else, etc... but until it comes and it feels right, i just am not going to worry about. i have too much going on, too much fun in the single arena. plus, i have amazing friends and family to love instead. i mean, cmon, i am pretty much dating dagger and slayer. like i would even have time for anyone else! ;]

alright. off to eat and do some more homework. <3

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