Thursday, May 1, 2008

this american life.

i have recently subscribed to chicago's "this american life" podcast. if you have never listened to this radio segment, i really encourage you to check it out.

it usually has about four parts to it where people talk about their own lives, and each show has its own interesting topic. each story gives such a unique and surreal insight into these people's lives.

my favorite segment was on "testosterone." i feel like it gave me an interesting take on what it is like to be a man, whether or not it was a completely total and accurate assessment.

my favorite part of it was called "infinite gent." a man who was once a lesbian woman is interviewed about his transformation with testosterone from a woman to a man. he talked about how before he took injections (which gave him double the amount of testosterone in a man) he would see an attractive woman on the subway, and he would have an internal dialogue about why he would want to meet the woman and why he was attracted to her. after the injections the internal dialogue was completely gone. he would see a woman on the subway, even a woman with just one attractive feature (like nice ankles), and all of a sudden images would flood his head. he felt like he was in a continually playing pornographic movie. everything would send his thoughts to sex. he also began to be unable to relate to women, and had to retrain himself in how to talk to them and how to watch his words.

absolutely interesting.

so, in conclusion, you should go subscribe to this podcast and broaden your understanding of this bizarre human race and possibly learn something about yourself.


jessica maria said...

I've heard so much about this show, I'll definitely have to look into it. Gender studies are so interesting.

Lindsay Vicious said...

yes! it is free, so why not, right? do it, do it, do it! :]