Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hawaii Continued (a.k.a. My Man is Wonderful).

Our View:

Our Room:Justin was going to go walking, so I made him take pictures...I want to live in this tree. Or at least swing from it. Outside our hotel.After seeing Iron Man 2, I wanted JP to climb inside of it and pose. He didn't.
Our breakfast joint. View of the ocean. Open air. Trees in the middle.
My beach time.
I was only out for about 40 minutes...
But man was I sunburnt that night.
Luckily Justin took care of me until I went to the doctor once I got home.
And thanks to my sister for driving me there, and using up the extra film in my camera.
They gave me a steroid shot for the swelling and pain meds.
Supermodels, out.

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