Friday, March 21, 2008

fated to pretend.

i have been blessed with a relatively large amount of people who know me inside and out. these people either have known me for years, have a gifted insight, or have simply cared enough to look deeper than surface appearances allow.

some of these people have been true and loyal friends from the beginning, some i have just met, some have gone their own way, and some have hurt and gutted me out. regardless to the current status of our relationships, i can still appreciate the fact that all of these people indeed know me.

the worst is knowing that some people, with whom i have spent so much time and effort on, do not know me. not in the least. some of these people were my closest companions, some were my lovers, and some were people that i cultivated great interest in.

they may know the sound of my laugh, where i grew up, the predictable manner in which i will answer the phone, the music i listen to, my favorite dessert, and the phrases i use to nauseum. but they have no concept of who i really am.

i think about these people in the morning, when the day is new but yet there is no hope for change or growth. i know that these people will never know me, because they wish not to or do not have the capacity to understand.

i wish i could be the person who could spell out their soul's thoughts with their tongue. i wish i could sit you down and tell you everything. but i am not that person, and i never can be. this does not prevent change or growth on its own, but rather it prevents it when coupled with certain people's inability to care.

i will always feel like there could have been more. i will always feel like something was missing. i will always remember the times i sat quiet on your couch, hoping that you would figure me out. but i will always know you better than you know yourself. and so i will never hope for more from you.

most importantly. i will keep those close, closest. and i will be grateful to those who found worth in my silence--enough to keep pressing.


Michael said...

Being a water-sign has never been easy.

I know how it goes. I'm emotional too.

One day at a time.

Hang in there,


Lindsay Vicious said...

i know, right?! thank you for contributing it to our water signness.

i 100% believe that it makes such a difference.

and as funny (or not) as it is (or isnt) my trouble is always with the air signs.


Michael said...

Personally, air and fire suck.

Too much trouble dealing there, so I try to avoid serious, personal relationships on all levels...

Lindsay Vicious said...

no. effing. kidding. through out the years the leos, geminis, sags, and libras have desimated me. haha. dammit! and those are the only ones i am attracted to. what is wrong with me. ;]

Lindsay Vicious said...
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Michael said...

Assuming that's not a rhetorical question: Because you're a Pieces.

Okay, harsh, I know.

There's this girl I've had a thing for a while -- a Gemini, but I KNOW KNOW KNOW she's too flighty for me, but I'm so curious. I hate it. She knows me well enough to know that I'm not willing to fly to the moon on a whim, so we could never work. We're lovers that were, but will never be. And it's always those fucking Geminis...grr...

Lindsay Vicious said...

ALWAYS those fucking geminis. they are my curse. and i know. it IS because i am a pisces. we want to save what we can never hope to save.

and at least you have some sense to avoid the gemini. i KNOW they are too flighty, and still. am i warned off? absolutely not. do i know know the consequence? absolutely.

at least as water signs, we have the capacity to put our selves out there (to some extent) emotionally, regardless.

i think i value the risk of it, more than i dred the end hurt.

Michael said...

i don't know about you, but when I put myself out there emotionally, it's not a conscious thought... I do it because I don't know of any other way to exist.

I assume the same may also be true for yourself.

But I'm also very careful with whom I allow to spend my energy. Always be wary of that.

Life is too short to allow someone (Gemini) that can be inconsiderate to your heart so close.

The Reverend...ha ha ha

Lindsay Vicious said...

i agree. it is the only way to exist, in my humble opinion.

maybe i need to take some advice from you though, and be careful of who i allow close. i still have not mastered that.

thank you, sir.

Michael said...

You are more than welcome.

It's been my pleasure.
