Monday, April 21, 2008

oh the stress.

dwindling finances.
only a few weeks to complete many projects and papers to graduate.
and other overwhelming factors.
everything doable, but all in all i feel like i am drowning and a bit lost.

i hung out with zac last night, and we ended up talking and drinking for seven hours. i actually had a really really good time, and i definitely foresee many future hangs in our future. it is refreshing to have new things in my life.

i need to start working out, pronto.

i need to stop spending so much money.

i need to stop cycling through some things.

apart of me, however, seems far more comfortable just simply doing. i have thought and analyzed so much in my past actions, and now i realize that sometimes just acting is what i should really be doing. life is short. i want experience. i just want without justification or promise. i also just have so many things going on in my life right now, and so many big changes ahead, that i do not think that being too serious with anything i do (unrelated to school or a future career) should have too many restrictions or stress on it. as brian said tonight, "just go balls to the wall." if he tells me it is alright, then i believe him.

on another note, i have three of my creative writing pieces published in my school's annual creative writing journal, prologue. pretty exciting! even if people think the pieces are total crap (which they sort of are) it is a nice resume builder and a bit of an ego builder as well.

'tis all for now.

p.s. there was confirmation on a certain someone being a total fraud (as i knew he was), and a confirmed shitty move on someone else's part (unsurprising).

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