Tuesday, April 29, 2008

two to one: static to the sound.

i realize that although my heart is timidly creeping back in, my head is totally out. this is a good thing in this certain situation. although i still tend to follow my heart, regardless to how faulty its logic is, i feel like i currently have such a strong mindful will warning me. this is a new thing for me. overall, i know i should not even consider entertaining anything with such an overwhelming history. i cannot promise myself to stay away, but at least i have enough memory intact to proceed with extreme caution.

side note: one of my biggest pet peeves is when people try to look "smart" and label their pictures, etc..., with "jane and i." no. idiot! it is "me and jane" or even "jane and me" is okay. you simply look more ridiculous in your attempt to prove your knowledge of the english language. look up some rules in a handbook for my sake, please.


jessica maria said...

HA I'm a total grammar nerd, too. I despise that people think "Jane and I" makes sense. Also, I nearly break out in hives when I see two spaces after a period - why did they ever teach us that in high school? Or maybe it was just me. Anyways, it's one space typographically and in the English language. And yay! You are a one-spacer.

Okay, way for me to nerd out. Long comment, yeesh.

Lindsay Vicious said...

haha love it! no i am totally a grammar nerd too. i am so much of one that i want to be an editor, just so i can professionally correct people.

and high school was an awful teacher of language. man alive. i did not even learn what an adverb was until my second year of college. how terrible, right???

i never learned the two space rule, but i have heard of it since in college. and all i know is that it went along with typewriters... or... something? no idea. but lame regardless. ;]

Alison T MacKinnon said...

That might be a British thing...We're taught strictly in Primary School that it's "Jane & I" but I think you're right...It certainly sounds much better "Me & Jane" or "Jane & Me".

Also, the thing about the spaces, it annoys me when people put a space before a period. Brian May (of 'Queen') does this on his website...It might be because he grew up in a different generation, but c'mon, he's such an amazing songwriter but he PUTS A SPACE BEFORE PERIODS!!!

Sorry for that rant XD

Ali :)